Duration 7:45

Resep Udang Saus Singapore Pedas Gurih: Khas Singapore.

251 634 watched
6.6 K
Published 15 Jan 2020

***English description is at the bottom section.*** Matikan subtitle: Settings - Subtitle/CC - Off 00:00 : intro 00:37 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients) 02:42 : mulai memasak (start of cook) 06:47 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (dish is ready to plate and serve) =================== [INDONESIAN] Resep Udang Saus Singapore bisa menjadi salah satu pilihan menu keluarga di rumah. Rasanya berbeda dengan olahan udang lain. Masakan yang satu ini juga kaya rasa karena memakai rempah-rempah, seperti jahe, lengkuas, daun salam, dan bumbu lainnya. Selain nikmat, cara membuatnya pun mudah. Resep Udang Saus Singapore Bahan: 200 gr udang 100 gr tepung maizena garam, merica sesuai selera Minyak goreng untuk menggoreng Bumbu Halus untuk Tumis: 2-5 cabai merah (buang bijinya) 5-6 bawang merah 5-6 bawang putih 2 cm jahe 1 batang serai (bagian putihnya) Minyak goreng secukupnya Bahan untuk Saus Singapore: 2 iris lengkuas 2 daun jeruk 1 daun salam ½ bawang bombai 2 sdm saus sambal 1 sdm saus tomat 1,5 sdm saus tiram 4 sdm evaporated milk 1 butir telur 450 ml air mendidih Tepung maizena secukupnya (untuk mengentalkan) Optional: ½ sdm kecap ikan 1 sdt minyak wijen Langkah: 1. Haluskan bahan-bahan bumbu tumisan 2. Lapisi udang dengan tepung maizena 3. Goreng udang (pastikan minyak benar-benar panas dan goreng sebentar saja tidak sampai kering) 4. Tumis bumbu halus, tambahkan sedikit minyak goreng 5. Setelah minyaknya keluar, masukkan lengkuas, daun salam, dan daun jeruk. Masak hingga kering. 6. Masukkan bawang bombai, tumis hingga harum 7. Tambahkan air mendidih 8. Masukkan saus sambal, saus tomat, dan saus tiram 9. Tambahkan garam, gula, dan kaldu jamur / penyedap sesuai selera 10. Masukkan evaporated milk 11. Masukkan cairan tepung maizena 12. Masukkan telur yang sudah dikocok dengan sedikit air. Aduk perlahan 13. Masak hingga mengental 14. Masukkan Udang 15. Udang Saus Singapore siap disajikan 🍤🍤 Jangan lupa cek Instagram @THELOBSTERCO 🍤🍤 https://www.instagram.com/thelobsterco/ https://www.instagram.com/salmonhucom/ Untuk pemesanan lobster/salmon melalui WhatsApp: 0878-8610-2635 =================== [ENGLISH] Singapore Signature Dish: Spicy and Savory Prawns with Singapore Sauce Recipe Prawns with Singapore Sauce can be a good menu choice for your family at home. The flavor is a bit different to other prawn dishes. This dish is flavorful as it uses various spices like ginger, galangal, bay leaf, and other ingredients. It's not only delicious but also easy to make. Prawns with Singapore Sauce Recipe Ingredients: 200 g prawns 100 g cornstarch Salt, pepper to taste Cooking oil for frying Spice Blend ingredients: 2-5 pc red chili (remove the seeds) 5-6 shallots 5-6 garlic 1 inch ginger 1 stalk lemongrass (the inner white part) Cooking oil as needed Singapore Sauce ingredients: 2 slice galangal 2 pc Kaffir lime leaves 1 pc bay leaf 1/2 pc onion 2 tbsp chili sauce 1 tbsp tomato sauce 1.5 tbsp oyster sauce 4 tbsp evaporated milk 1 pc egg 450 ml boiling water Cornstarch as needed (to thicken the sauce) Optional: 1/2 tbsp fish sauce 1 tsp sesame oil Steps: 1. Blend all the spices together. 2. Coat the prawns with cornstarch. 3. Fry the prawns. Make sure the oil is hot and fry it for a bit, not until the prawns are crisp. 4. Sauté the spice blend and add a bit of oil. 5. After the spices release some oil, add the galangal, bay leaf, and Kaffir lime leaves. Cook until reduced. 6. Add the onion and sauté until fragrant. 7. Add boiling water. 8. Add the chili sauce, tomato sauce, and oyster sauce. 9. Season with salt, sugar, and mushroom stock powder / MSG to taste. 10. Add the evaporated milk. 11. Add the cornstarch mix. 12. Add the egg that's been whisked with a bit of water. Stir gently. 13. Cook until the sauce thickens. 14. Add the prawns. 15. Prawn with Singapore Sauce is ready to serve. =================== Official Site: https://www.devinahermawan.com/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/devinahermawan Business inquiries: contact@devinahermawan.com #ResepUdangSausSingapore #ResepSausSingapore #ResepGorengUdang #ResepUdangSausPadang #ResepUdangSausManis #HowToCookShrimp #ResepUdangGorengTepung #ResepUdangSausTiram #SingaporeSauce #SingaporeFood #DevinaHermawan


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